Did Applegate make changes to its natural and organic turkey bacons?
- Yes! Starting November 2018, turkey bacon fans may notice the following changes with our Applegate Naturals® Turkey Bacon and Applegate Organics® Turkey Bacon- new packaging design, the removal of sugar as an ingredient, and updates to the Nutritional Fact Panels.
The new turkey bacon packaging looks different, what did you change?
- Over the past few months, Applegate has been rolling out a new packaging design for its entire portfolio, featuring bolder graphics and brighter colors, to make it easier for shoppers to identify Applegate varieties and lines. With that said, what’s inside is what matters most, and we can assure you that the turkey bacon inside our new packaging is held to the same high standards all Applegate products must meet: made with simple ingredients and sourced from humanely-raised animals that are never administered antibiotics.
Why did Applegate remove sugar as an ingredient in its turkey bacon offerings?
- We’ve always been a believer of the fewer ingredients, the better, so when consumers began requesting more no sugar products, we decided to taste test our turkey bacon with and without sugar. We felt consumers would enjoy the taste of both versions and if we can make a great-tasting product with one less ingredient, why wouldn’t we? Let us know what you think at www.applegate.com/review.
Do the new no sugar turkey bacons taste different?
Depends on the person and his or her taste buds. Sugar is commonly used as an ingredient to create a balance in flavor with salt. Although we are using the same amount of salt, some may perceive that our new turkey bacons taste slightly saltier, since we have removed sugar. However, the difference in sugar is so slight, that some might not detect a difference in taste at all. Let us know what you think at .
Are the new Applegate turkey bacons Whole30 Approved®?
- Applegate offers more than 30 products that are Whole30 Approved®, and now that our natural and organic turkey bacons no longer list sugar as an ingredient that means they are officially Whole30 Approved®. Look for the Whole30 Approved® logo on our new packaging!
How can I tell if the Applegate turkey bacon I’m buying is Whole30 Approved®?
- There are a few ways to tell if our turkey bacon is Whole30 Approved®:
- Our Whole30 Approved® turkey bacons will be sold in our new packaging design, which has the Whole30 Approved® logo on the front.
- Sugar won’t be listed as an ingredient under the ingredients list.
- Use our Whole30 Approved® product filter search on our website.
- Contact our consumer relations team, if you are still unsure. Send an e-mail (http://help.applegate.com/customer/portal/emails/new) or message via the “Chat with us” feature on our website.
There appears to be less sodium in your new turkey bacon. Have you changed the salt content?
- We have not changed the salt content in our new turkey bacons. The only change that has been made to our turkey bacon recipe is the removal of sugar as an ingredient. We also switched to a more accurate method of testing nutritionals for our products, that takes into account variables like cooking, to make sure we have the most accurate and up-to-date information on Nutrition Facts Panels.
Why are the Nutritional Fact Panels different, specifically with sodium and calorie levels?
- The nutritional information on our previous turkey bacon labels were based on a raw piece of bacon, whereas our new labels represent a cooked piece of bacon. While both labeling methods are USDA approved, we decided to make the change since bacon is a product you cook before serving. We felt factoring in variables like the cooking process better reflected what consumers were actually consuming. As a result, you will see a reduction in calories, sodium, and fat, per serving.
Is Applegate turkey bacon made with mechanically separated meat?
- No! Our turkey bacon is made with whole muscle cuts of turkey leg meat as opposed to mechanically separated meat, which sometimes includes parts of the animal carcass. At Applegate, we don’t cut corners or costs by using mechanically separate meat. All our products are made with quality ingredients and that includes quality cuts of meat.
Is Applegate turkey bacon cured?
- Our turkey bacon is considered an uncured product. According to the USDA, only products that are cured with chemical nitrates and nitrites are defined as cured. At Applegate we use naturally occurring nitrates and nitrites to cure our turkey bacon, such as celery powder and sea salt.
Why does the serving size of your new turkey bacon appear to be smaller?
- Since the Nutrition Fact Panels for our new turkey bacons are now based upon a cooked piece of bacon, you will notice that one serving size is approximately 15g, compared to our previous turkey bacon labels that were based upon a raw piece of bacon and stated one serving as 28g. Please note, that the serving size per package (approximately 8) has remained the same, as has the net weight (226g), since net weight reflects the weight of raw product.
Will Applegate Naturals® Turkey Bacon and Applegate Organics® Turkey Bacon be more expensive?
No! Our Applegate Naturals® Turkey Bacon and Applegate Organics® Turkey Bacon will be comparable in price to our current turkey bacon offerings with a suggested retail price of $4.99 for Applegate Naturals® and $7.49 for Applegate Organics®. Please note, price will often vary by retailer.
Where is Applegate Naturals® Turkey Bacon and Applegate Organics® Turkey Bacon sold?
- Applegate Naturals® Turkey Bacon and Applegate Organics® Turkey Bacon is currently available for purchase nationally at select retailers including Kroger, BJ’s, Publix, and Whole Foods. To find a store near you, use our product locator.
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